Stuff that I should of expected but was a bit disappointed by, since again i’ve seen this plenty of times in anime. So right off the bat – high school setting, timid main character Ippo Makunouchi who is totally ordinary and bulling. It seems that this is a collaboration with Studio VAP and Madhouse, considering the amount of great stuff Madhouse was pumping out in the early noughties, I was excited, it was directed also by Shigeru Kitayama who directed Trigun, i’ve not watched that personally but it gets a lot of praise from western anime fans, so you have strong studio’s and staff.
Much like I say for majority of anime/manga I watch/read (this is still my 4th year of properly watching/reading anime and manga, which I still feel like a bit of a newbie) i knew nothing about Hajime No Ippo going into it, I knew it was a boxing show and it’s still an on-going manga with around 1,000 chapters or something like that, apart from that, that’s it. So I just randomly wanted to watch a good sports anime and I would of watched anything, like Cross Game or even re-watch Giant Killing, however the reason why I picked Hajime No Ippo is that a third season has been announced for the Fall season, this gave me a good chance to check out this supposed highly rated show.
With the summer season on a roll and a bunch of games I need to play soon, i’ve had a bit of free time on my hands, I’ve also been watching a lot of sport throughout the summer including Wimbledon, The Golf Open and to a certain degree, the Evo gaming tournament.